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allied milk producers

allied milk producers

We Go To School

allied milk producers

allied milk producers

allied milk producers

allied milk producers

allied milk producers

allied milk producers

allied milk producers

allied milk producers

allied milk producers

PA Dairy Princess

allied milk producers

Extensive work is done in area schools as more than 25,000 two-pocket folders, with dairy messages and activities, are given to elementary students from nine counties. When requested, Allied gives financial assistance to schools that want milk vending machines.

Schools may request scoreboard assistance, with the stipulation that the board carries a milk slogan.

Schools that celebrate special dates like "Earth Day" or "Fitness Week" may request dairy related programs and/or milkshakes or cheese samples. Allied helps farm families who host school field trips with hand-outs and/or dairy refreshments.

Allied has partnered with Altoona's Forever Broadcasting to recognize a teacher of the month during the school year. Educators are nominated by students within the broadcast area. Allied provides an ice cream party for the students of the winning teacher's classroom.

Teachers and school administrators interested in hosting a dairy education program should contact the PA Friends of Ag Foundation Ag In The Classroom Program for further information.

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